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More Asha Kumara - Indian Teen

More Asha Kumara - Indian Teen

Okay, I know I had mentioned that I wouldn’t post any more of Asha Kumara unless people wanted me to….. And nobody really wanted me to. Unfortunately, I still had some unposted galleries of her, so I need to get rid of them!! That means there will be a few more Asha Kumara free galleries!! I’m pretty sure she’s a hooker…

Anyways, I am my mother’s daughter….

My mother doesn’t like bugs.

Scratch that. My mother hates bugs. If you even mention creepy-crawlies to her, she gets all twitchy and itchy. It’s sort of funny.

Now, I don’t like bugs either, but I didn’t think I was quite as phobic about them as Mum. Today I learned otherwise…..

You see, I let a bee in today. I didn’t do it on purpose - it just flew in while I had the door open. I closed the door, and could hear this loud buzzing sound, and I thought to myself, What’s that? Then I looked down and saw the bee hovering near my legs. I know it was a bee, and not a wasp or a hornet, because it was fuzzy and chubby looking.

What was my reaction? To yelp in fear…. And that yelp truly was a panicked yelp - not a scream, not an argh, not an eek, not even an identifiable vowel - it was just open the mouth, then vocalize. Maybe it was a loud schwa….!! (look it up ^_^) After yelping, I had the presence of mind to open the door again, and the bee had the presence of mind to head away from the source of loud noise, though since it was a bee, it sort of lazily droned its way out, rather than zipping aggressively the way wasps do. Have I mentioned that I really don’t like wasps?

Once the bee was out, I closed the door again, and realized that I was shaken, though I wasn’t physically shaking. I’m not that bad. ^_^ I headed into the bathroom, where I saw in the mirror that I had a case of the itchies - my ears were a bit pink from my having compulsively rubbed them on the way to the bathroom, and as I gazed at my ears in the mirror, I noticed I was rubbing my upper arms. Just thinking about it now as I type is giving me leg itchies!

Why, hello there, tree! Apple here. Waaaaay down here. Nope, I’m not far away at all. ^_^

Anyways - enjoy the Asha Kumara gallery, and if that’s not your thing, check out girlsaresexy for virus free, popup free porn!


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